Jesse founded Interwoven Care to bring massage therapy, movement, mindfulness, and perinatal doula support in order to meet clients where they are, with what they need. Jesse has a background in reproductive health studies, evidence-based birthing practices, alignment based yoga, and therapeutic bodywork. She has woven these studies together to offer dynamic support through massage therapy, childbirth and lactation education. From beginning to end Jesse advocates for the full spectrum of life’s reproductive events.
Jesse sees massage clients at Sage every Thursday & Saturday from 10-3pm. To book a massage or schedule a doula consultation, please text 978-376-8918 or email interwovencare@gmail.com
As a massage therapist, Jesse specializes in relieving chronic tension, supporting injury recovery, and holding space through life’s intense transitions. She is trained in pregnancy and postpartum massage techniques as well as acupressure for labor induction. Understanding the physical challenges of this time, Jesse provides in-home bodywork to pregnant clients during the third trimester and in the months following birth and/or loss of any kind. These home visits can be paired with doula care, which include lactation support, food prep and newborn care techniques. Integrated Care packages are available upon request.
As a full spectrum doula, Jesse supports people through the roller coaster of all that happens before, during, and after pregnany, miscarriage or abortion.. From contraception to conception; from pregnancy to birth; the road is not always smooth, and the views can be stranger than we expected. As a peer along a joyous, heartbreaking, beautifully complicated road Jesse strives to hold space for the complex realities of conceiving, bearing and releasing new life. Trying to avoid pregnancy, trying to become pregnant, trying to stay pregnant, or coping with the aftermath of loss Jesse is devoted to walking the steps with her clients.
For this reason, Jesse offers monthly peer support groups in collaboration with Emerald Ortiz or Sacred Wombanhood and Ada Johnson of Hawthorn Grief Care. Jesse & Emerald co-facilitate a Miscarriage Peer Support Group the first Tuesday of every month from 6-8pm. Ada facilitates the Stillbirth and Infant Loss Peer Support Group the second Tuesday of each month from 7-9pm. All groups are currently hosted online and open to peers in loss. There is no cost for these groups, but we request you RSVP to HawthornGriefCare@gmail.com to register and receive the link.
Born and raised in the woods – and never far from the wild nature within her – Jesse makes home with her husband Tony and their ethereal daughter Riley in lucky Rhode Island.