Andraly Horn has been a Licensed Massage Therapist since 1999, and a devoted student and practitioner of Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy since 2007. He frequently is first assistant to Michael Shea, author and teacher of the definitive series Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy, and has studied long and short tides with numerous teachers over the years. He finds stillness within himself and his clients by not looking, and induces motion of the long and short cranial tides by not moving. He has a particularly long and close relationship with the back wall of the left ventricle of the heart – the space where the ectodermal/mesodermal/endodermal planes first emerged and began differentiating in the growing embryo.
Born and raised in Nagodoches, Andraly has worn many hats in this life: Son, brother, father, husband, friend, healer. Theater Arts in New York City, long-distance trucking, Massage Therapy School in Florida, frequent bather in an open air cast iron hot tub in the piney woods of East Texas, and at last moving to Rhode Island twelve years ago. Andraly tends a large organic farm in Northern RI, where he climbs and cuts down trees, raises chickens, cultivates mushrooms and inspires the spirits of all who know him.
Andraly can be contacted for an appointment at 401.451.3660