John McGonigle, MD wandered his path until becoming a Medical Doctor. Always oriented by a deep belief in the inter-connectedness of the manifest world, he went from a year in college on a soccer scholarship, to living and walking around the world, to pre-med night school in New York City. He entered the State University of New York-Stony Brook School of Medicine in 2002. After obtaining his MD, he completed a Residency in Family Medicine at the much-missed Memorial Hospital of Rhode Island through Brown Medical School. In 2009 he set up private practice in Providence in order to provide holistic, attentive primary care Family Medicine to the communities of Southeastern New England.
Experience, contemplation and education have led John to a medical practice that emphasizes a five-fold basis of health&well-being: how you feed yourself, how you move, how you rest, how you find meaning, and how you give and receive love.
Accordingly, John explores with patients the ways in which these five fundamentals are being met, or may be deeper practiced. In addition, specific therapies including vitamin and mineral supplements, herbal remedies, contemplation, time in the natural world, and homeopathy are employed. Engaging with the dream life often leads to enhanced intuition and purposiveness. When pharmaceutical preparations, conventional diagnostic tests, or collaboration with a medical specialist are indicated his position as a respected medical doctor enables him to guide and advise his patients in a holistic or integrative way. Furthermore, after fifteen years in Rhode Island John is very familiar with the wonderful variety and depth of holistic practitioners in the area and is always alert to when the right person should be referred to the right healer.
As a Family Medicine doctor, John now focusses on the health of children and their extended families. He is currently providing Integrative Medical Consultation for complex medical issues, but is not accepting new adult primary care patients.
Since arriving in RI it has been John’s dream to shepherd a holistic gathering place for equally committed healers and physicians. In his current location since 2016, John and Dr Meghan Schaffer are enthusiastically confident that a dynamic collaborative arises in 2021, having borne at last the long gestation of 2020….
An Assistant Professor of Family Medicine at the Warren Alpert School of Medicine at Brown University, John lectures on such topics as Integrative Family Medicine, Shamanism and Medical Training, and the Immunogenicity, amongst other topics (Auto-immune diseases in women). Residents and medical students from Brown and across the country can frequently be found in his consulting room. He was the founder and director of IntegrativeMedicine@Brown, a five year regional cross-disciplinary meeting of healing professionals. He is a board-certified Diplomate of the American Board of Family Medicine. He is the founder and director of the Fellowship in Integrative Medicine at Brown Medical School, the only such primary-care IM Fellowship in the United States. Prior to entering medical school, he underwent advanced training at the New York School of Homeopathy. At one time in his life he translated a lot of poetry from Russian, French, and the Itza dialect of Mayan.

John dreams and goes deeper being with his partner Meghan and their three growing children. The four-legged familiar Zen-ma often guides his reading, writing and walking about.
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