Cutting-edge physics tells us what poets, lovers, mystics and healers have always known: the cosmic time/space continuum is curved, and the meeting place between reality and awareness can be played, like an instrument’s string. The world without, and the world within, are always in greater or lesser attunement with each other. When we are in harmony within ourselves, the wind in the leaves is like the sound of the stars, and a walk in the woods is never alone. Dis-harmony brings with it a kind of static which can be experienced as anything from physical pain or disability to a loss of purpose or pleasure in the life we are leading. Dis-union of one’s deeper self from one’s day-to-day responsibilities and activities – be it, again, in the form of musculoskeletal distress or a life drained of color – leaves the instrument mistuned.
Harmony is a series of chords played together on multiple levels, and the science of harmonics is a union of strings. Our lives may be thought of as multiple strings, played out on the fret board continuum we call our one wild and precious life. There are times we have lost touch with the deeper seats or seeds of our wisdom. Although the lived human life transpires as a whole, it is experienced on physical, emotional, spiritual and soul levels. The inner healer knows in what ways physical pain or disability can be healed, and in experienced hands that healer can be called forth and re-membered. The wounds of the heart need a hearer, and an ear for the more peaceful chords to be heard in. The spirit may be distressed, all feedback, thirsting for stillness: in answer, a card drawn mindfully or hexagram considered may unlock the secrets of the deeper improvisation. Souls reaching out for meaning can find purpose through enhanced reflection, and journeys into what could be called innerstellar spaces.

My intention is to embody the deepest truths I know as they continuously unfold To hold space, patience, humility for and acceptance of the always and already - that everything is ALREADY exactly as it should be and should have been, all the while everything is ALWAYS becoming To attune to what I value most - how I show up and reflect for myself and others, knowing we are one CLEAR SOLID FREE TRUE LOVE TRUST UNION To be clear as water, solid as earth, free as air, true as fire, to love and trust unconditionally in relationship to self and in union with the other When I am oriented from my values, with my values, to my values; when what I am saying, doing, thinking, feeling are aligned: my being is liberated And as I AM, so shall WE MVS